Book Review

Hollywood Book Reviews

There are many themes and stories which define the history and building of the United States of America; the stories of families escaping religious persecution; militia becoming a united army to take down one of the strongest nations in the world; brother fighting brother as a nation stood divided. Yet the memorable and celebratory events
that defined a nation cannot be felt without also acknowledging the mistakes and horrors which occurred along the way. The stealing of the land from the Native American people and the forced erasure of their culture and way of life are embedded
into the history of America forever, and only by acknowledging that history can the country move forward in a better direction.

Telling these stories and remembering those who endured those events is the backbone of the story found in author Curt Orloff’s Thunder in the Wind. The story follows the Assiniboine Indians in the late 19th century as the tribe is forced to adopt the faith and practices of Christianity. One young man fights to preserve his people’s culture, while
his mother adopts to the changes in an effort to protect her family. As mother and son clash, the son’s rebellion begins using tactics found in today’s culture of using fear to strike terror into the hearts of his opponents until they submit, and the conflict between mother and son soon highlights the divide found within our own culture today.

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